In order to convert from the AC power coming in at 120 or 220 Volts AC,
you would use a transformer pictured here along with some high filter
capacitors so the end result would look like a Direct Current 6 Volt
battery to power the computer and transmitter inside a Smart Meter.

Transformer AC to DC
Transformer AC to DC

These transformers can get very hot, so in 2011, they invented the Switching Mode
Power Supply as a replacement, as in a cell phone charger.

Switching Mode Power Supply (AC to DC)
Switching Mode Power Supply (AC to DC)

This device was inserted in the Smart Meter, instead of the traditional transformer with
the capacitors to filter out harmonics (high frequency sine waves and spikes). They put
no capacitors in the Smart Meter to filter out the harmonics, so they come on your
house wiring. This is called dirty electricity. Note it would cost
one or two dollars more to add in the capacitors in the Smart Meter, but it is not
done to save money. These high frequency sine waves are in the microwave band and
can make the Smart Meter very hot and catch fire
. Many Smart Meters in the first 10 years
of their invention did this. In Portland, Oregon 70,000 Smart Meters Replaced

For more info see:
Environmental Health Trust

Research Gate

From Dirty